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Filed Under: Blogging
How to Make a Website and a Swedish Almond Wreath

After I retired from Williams, I decided it was time for a makeover of sorts. I don’t mean my look or my hair or even my wardrobe. It was all…
Filed Under: Blogging
How to Write a Russian Cookbook in the Age of Trump

When my brilliant editor at Ten Speed Press asked me to write a new Russian cookbook, I cringed. I couldn’t help remembering what happened the first time around. September 1,…
Filed Under: Blogging
Five things I found in my freezer

The hardest thing about retiring from Williams was clearing my office of 34 years’ worth of accumulated stuff. It wasn’t just the volume of papers and books that I had…
Filed Under: Blogging
Cheesemaking in Georgia

The Republic of Georgia, that is. The Beatles may have claimed that “Georgia’s always on my my-my-my-my-my-my mind,” but I can truthfully say that Georgia really is on my mind…
Filed Under: Blogging
Women under siege

During the Siege of Leningrad, which lasted for nearly 900 days between 1941 and 1944, people had to be creative beyond measure simply to stay alive. Because most of the…